Do you have a lot of work, or do you find yourself getting sidetracked? If you’re an artist, you may find yourself struggling to keep up with the demand for your art. Many people who are new to freelancing quickly discover that they have a hard time keeping in touch with their clients and meeting deadlines. Fortunately, there are several ways that you can manage your time so that you can focus on what matters most: your art! Below, abstract artist Charlie Steg offers a few tips for managing your time that will help keep you on track and on schedule.

Plan Your Work Schedule

First and foremost, when you’re scheduling work, make sure that you’re keeping track of the hours you’re putting in. This can be as simple as writing them all down on paper or using an app like Evernote. When you have a system in place, it will make it much easier to stay on track and avoid being overwhelmed.


Organize Your Work Space

You can easily spend the majority of your day looking in two different places: your computer monitor and your canvas. If you have a hard time keeping your eyes on both screens at the same time, try setting up a dedicated work space. This will help you stay focused and avoid becoming annoyed by distractions. If your work space is small, Charlie Steg suggests investing in a digital organizational tool. This will help you keep track of your assignments and will free up space on your computer desktop so that you can focus on your art.


Set Up a Deadline

You might have spent years managing projects that were much larger in scale, but now you’re working on a smaller scale and want to stay on track. To avoid falling behind on your deadlines, it’s important to set up a system that works for you. At the end of each day, make a list of all the things that you finished working on. This will give you something to look back on and remind yourself of what you need to stay focused on. You can also outline your work schedule in a to-do list so that you don’t forget about important tasks. This will also help you stay on track and avoid becoming overwhelmed by too much work.


Keep On Track with Your To-Do List

It’s important to keep track of the things that you need to do each day so that you don’t forget about them. This will help you stay focused and avoid becoming overwhelmed by too much work. You can use a calendar to keep track of when you need to be at various locations, such as your computer desktop, your studio, or your phone app. You can also try using an app like Evernote or a paper organizer to track information and assignments.


Stay Focused

Most of the time, we focus on everything that we have yet to accomplish instead of taking a moment to realize how far we have come. Keeping moving forward is essential, but it’s also important to look back and see what’s been achieved, explains Hoboken-based artist Charlie Steg.

No matter how small a milestone may be, acknowledging it will motivate us to keep working towards our goals. Stay focused on what matters to you and do your best every day. Take pride in acknowledging your passions and working towards them!



Art is a wonderful form of self-expression, and it’s also a great way to earn money. However, it’s important to remember that your time is valuable, and you need to make sure that you’re using it the best possible way. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to managing your time so that you can focus on your art and doing great work!

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